November 2022 Update

We have added lot of new features and improvements to Dead Simple Chat in this months release:

  1. Ability to Eject all users from the chat room
  2. Private Room Functionality
  3. Turn Chat On/Off
  4. Time and Date Formats: Customize time and date formats
  5. Profanity filter now works on usernames as well
  6. API to Invalidate the Access Token

Eject All Users from the Chat Room

To Eject All the users from the Chat Room go to Dashboard -> Chat Rooms -> Edit and click on the "Eject All Participants" button.

You can also eject all the users using the API:

Private Room

We have introduced a new feature called as the private room. The users can join the chat room only using accessToken.

Ability to type in the username and join the chat room will be disabled, and basic sso will also be disabled.

To enable Private Room, go the Dashboard -> Chat Rooms -> Edit and Enable the Private Room toggle.

Turn Chat On/Off

You can now turn the chat room off and also display a message when the chat room is turned off. 

And when you update the message, it will be dynamically updated without requiring the users to refresh the page.

The chat room can also be turned on/off dynamically.

To Turn the Chat Room On/Off, go the Dashboard -> Chat Rooms -> Edit and toggle the Turn Chat Off button.

You can also do it using the API:

Turn off Chat:

Turn on Chat:

Update message to display when the chat is turned off:

Time and Date Formats: Customize time and date formats

We have added ability to set time format to 12 hour or 24 hour. We have also added the ability to set custom date format. You can see all the available date formats here:

Profanity filter now works on usernames as well

We have updated the bad words filter to work on the usernames as well, so if someone enters a username which is part of the profanity filter the username will be muted.

API to Invalidate AccessToken

We have added a new API to invalidate the accessToken. Once the accessToken is invalidated it can no longer be used to login, and user currently logged-in using the accessToken will be logged-out from the chat room.

You can read the docs regarding the API here:

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