How to hide Register view from chatroom
While using Dead Simple Chat your chat users will encounter a login message when they try and enter your chat room like this.
Here if you want to hide the "Already have an Account" prompt, you can easily do that with the help of custom CSS:
Here are the steps to hide the prompt:
Step 1
Login to Dead Simple Chat, on the Dashboard page click on the chat rooms page there you will a list of chat rooms, from the list of chatrooms click the "edit" button for the chat room you wish to hide the prompt
then go to customization settings and click on the hide already have an account field
Step 2:
Once you are inside the chatroom settings. Scroll down to see the "Custom CSS" section like in the image below. Here paste the custom CSS from below and click on the update chat room button:
#already-have-account { display: none; } #email-label { display: none; } #password-label { display: none; } #password-label+ button { display: none;
after pasting this css into the box click on the "Update Chatroom button" as shown in the figure below:The result: you will see the prompt like this:
Thanks for reading the tutorial. If you have any questions feel free to click on the chatbox on the bottom right-hand side or email me at: